Monday, February 27, 2012

...sort of Antigone..or just fitting my stereotypical views of certain people?

It was mentioned over at a blog a few weeks back (I can't find which one it was, Scientopia? if you know the post, please post in the comment and I'll link it) where it was suggested to do the "Antigone" way in order to make the male legislators realise that they make rules about the female body etc...  And now I read this in the Huffington Post (one of the places online not behind a pay-wall). Not that I think he sounds that charming, considering he is making a joke about a few things that may or may not be funny at all... but for the humour at laughing at him (sorry, but he sounds a little clueless and fitting into some of my stereotypical 'problems with certain people').

Something for a Monday morning that in other aspects is reminding me that the world is a slightly scary place and not moving forward one step at a time. Right now I think we might be embarking on a slow dance, one step forward, three backwards, turn to the side and a swivel....


Cath@VWXYNot? said...

I'm sure that his decision to tell the entire world about their sex life (or sudden lack thereof) will turn his wife off even further!

Hopefully it also inspires a few more women in similar positions of power to do the same thing :)

chall said...

I was thinking along those lines too Cath.... Not sure whathe was thinking, although that was my stereotypical thought "he didn't think" ... nor was it funny haha... but... i'm not married to him at least (nor being a constituent ;) )