Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sadie Hawkins or "all I needed to learn about dating I learned from Buffy"

The first time I heard about Sadie Hawkins was while watching "I Only Have Eye for You". The episode, late in the season 2 of Buffy, has a little dance at the high school and the girls can invite their date (gasp!) there. I didn't know that this was a big thing (silly me) and that it was such a huge thing with the day date etc.. Then again, we didn't really have strict "go as a couple for prom" back where I went to high school, but rather you went as a bunch of girls/friends and then you had dinner where you were seated next to someone... ah well.

The episode also has one of those interesting (verbal) fights between a boy and a girl, but since it's all sppoky and ghosts (it's Buffy!) the original roles have been reversed and the "present day girl" says the boy lines and vice versa. And it is really well done. And it makes lots of sense and is intriguing to view.

And of course, it's one of those comments from Willow that makes it all... "you're still all he thinks about". Anyway, I'm just drifting off into my little happy Buffy land, it's been awhile but I might go home and take a little retake on the whole Sadie Hawkins concept.... since today is the 29th of Feb it made me remember the whole episode and the 'idea'.

Then again, if I am proposing to someone, I don't think I would do it on this day since I really think it is ok to propose any day of the year - regardless if you are a man or a woman. And that I am not really sure on the proposal thing either*. I might be called unromantic (pragmatic? just scared?) since last time I got a proposal   -that really sounded weird ^^ , probably should write - "when my then boy friend proposed to me" it was after I had told him that I knew I wanted to marry him so whenever he felt certain on what he wanted he could ask, and I would say yes.

Anyway, if you haven't seen the episode in a while; go see it again. If you haven't seen Buffy... well.. you've missed out :)

Happy Leap year day!

*There is an interesting podcast about the female proposal thingy here : "However, it also effectively functioned as a form of false empowerment for women and, by virtue of its exceptionalism, falling only once every four years, also served to reinforce traditional gender roles"


Liz said...

Great post (although I have to admit that I was never a buffy fan)

Before today, I had never heard of this idea of women proposing to men on Feb 29th but agree with your point about how it sort of enforces false empowerment. This morning on the radio, they were talking about this Feb 29th tradition. A woman phoned in an said she wanted to propose to her boyfriend on the phone live on air. It didn't really go so well (he didn't say "no" but was more like confused/unhappy that she was asking at 8am on the phone on a radio show). Anyway, it was super awkward

Sorry for the only tangently related ramblings

chall said...

Liz> it's never too late to start (with Buffy). Although, I would agree that the series improve in acting etc but the writing is good from the start. But it is a "not too adult show" in the beginning if nothing else.

As for the "proposal in the public". I guess I'm confessed introvert. I've never been good with the "emotional things in front of other people"... and if someone proposed over the phone... yeah... not sure about that. Wouldn't you want to kiss them? :)

Tangently related comments are usually very fun to read and always welcome :)

Barefoot Doctoral said...

From your story, I'd actually argue that it was you who proposed to him, and just waited for him to say yes/go through the ceremony. But then again, I may be a similar pragmatic type.

I'd never heard of this leap year proposal business. I applaud you for your self restraint in only calling it "false empowerment".

chall said...

Barefoot> ah... hmm.. never thought of it that way ;)
I guess it's more due to the fact that several of my friends and I look upon it as a "well you know, how about getting married since we've been together for x amount of time"... pragmatic since many of us already live with the person before marriage.

Thanks for calling me to have self restraint. That'n not usually the comment ;)