Imagine a weekday evening, "little Saturday", and you meet up with a friend for a drink. You sit down and have some food, at a new bar that opened a bit back, and have a beer or two. You talk, vent science, discuss future plans and hopes... You finish the food and after a few hours, you call it an early night and go home. A nice evening out with friend. Nothing big with that.
Yeah, if only.
Imagine an evening, you go to a newish bar with a friend. Have a beer, some food and then when you return from the restroom your friend is starting to behave a little odd. You end up in the night, not only driving them home, but also carrying them up the stairs, tuck them into your bed and watch over them since someone at the bar slipped them drugs.
Yeah, not really the night to want.
It's not the night you wanted, but your friend is extremely lucky you were there. Also very lucky nothing was put in your drink. Would definitely report it to the cops.
SM: It's a slightly more complicated story... but you're right.
I wouldn't even recognize if somebody slipped something in somebody else's drink. How does that look like, I guess I would have spent the night in ER with friend... Good you were there!
lin> I would say it depends on the person and drug. Didn't go to hospital or anything like that... just decided that I wasn't leaving them alone at their house.
Ugh...that's so scary (it happened to me once). I'm so glad you were there for them.
Oh my god. So scary. Good for them that you were there. I don't understand how someone could slip a drug into their drink without anyone seeing.
Alyssa: I've never had that happened, then again - maybe it's bc I finish the drinks too fast? ^^
Girlpostdoc: yeah, there is that.... "someone".... hmm..
Oh geez. I hope your friend is OK now - I bet she's extremely glad you were there to help her.
Did anyone at the bar - a server, the bartender - see what might have happened?
I'm pretty sure someone once put something in my drink, too, not long after I moved to Vancouver - I went from fine to feeling completely, outrageously wasted after half a drink, my friend took me home thinking I was just drunk, and I slept very very late the next day. I've been completely paranoid ever since about having a friend watch my drink if I go to the bathroom or something when I'm out with all girls (I figure no-one's going to try it when I'm with my husband!)
Wow that's nuts! I'm glad it didn't end any worse.
I have a similar story to Cath's, from about a decade ago, and a good friend to thank for taking care of me. Absolutely paranoid about my drinks ever since.
Your friend is lucky you were there to take care of her. It is scary how easy and common such things are...
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