"If you have the right mind set, we'll make this work"
"You aren't interested in working with it?"
"Why not give reuslts in three days?" (Because the assay takes 14 days.... and a result after 3 days will prove nothing.)
"We need this now. We need that then. And most of all we need all that last week." Of course you do...
"The decision is all based on what Dr chall gets as results on this assay. No pressure..." (Funny enough, I sort of like these open pressure things since at least I know what's expected right off the bat. I know, I'm crazy... hopefully noone will try and test just how much I can be coaxed into.)
Attitude, it's everything. If you really wanted to, you could do it. Right?
(As a side note. I'm sort of envious of a few of my former collegues in post doc land who has gotten funding from many sources. At the same time I think about my other friends who are presently "between jobs" even with their PhD and/or post doc and other experience... The old saying seems true right now; "To those who have, give lots. Those who have nothing, all will be taken away" ... )
Don't you just love it when people refuse to believe how long it takes for an assay to run?! I saw lots of that in my last job.
Cath: Yeah, it's not only that they don't believe it - they honestly think that if you ask about results every day it'll work out faster too?! ^^
ahh... the stress of "should've been done yesterday" ...
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