Saturday, November 28, 2009

my own new tradition

What I did about this time last year - 4 hours loosing 5 lbs - repeated itself this year. I guess it might be my Thanksgiving ritual? Although, I am not sure on why I got ill this time around. Everyone else ate the same food, no babies, no strange stuff but the same onset as last year (36 hours give or take). My only other guess would be that I am sensitive to some of the food served for Thanksgiving (dressing? mashed sweet potatoes with pecans on top? deep fried turkey?) or that my belly just can't handle the massive amount of (fatty) food* at the same time with loads of sugar as dessert? Or that it was that little sneak taste of the omelette I made Friday morning, it was runny eggs, which is something I am franticly scared of here....

That is why I am grumpy at home a Saturday night** when I really wanted to go out and not feel like a non-social person. I have been thinking about it for awhile since I am feeling slightly angry lately. I think it is a combination of lack of exercise (long story) and missing research stimulation (too much time to think and feeling like I don't have much of a life since I am not working as much anymore) and this leads to that I feel like I might not have that many friends anymore (on this side of the pond as well as the other side since I have been gone for quite a while now).

Or, which might be very likely too, it is partly because it is Christmas time soon (December is slightly stressful in itself) and I had some family things going on in November.

All in all, the new routine needs to be implemented. And the paper needs to be written (promised PI to have the draft next week). But most of all, I need not hugging the toilet anymore since my stomach muscles are aching, my head is throbbing and I am hungry and nauseous at the same time. Ack ack ack, poor little me (this is irony, in case it doesn't show). But I can write for the weekend "lost 4 pounds even with two cans of coke and some water and one toast" Who needs exercise? ;)

*Bred salmon is one of these foods... a bit too sensitive for my belly... too fatty :( Something that runs in part of my family.

**consuming "Supernanny" might not be the best way to cheer up, but it sure shows me that other people seem to be having quite messy lives with lack of friends too. Although, two episodes have to be the end of it, better to watch a somewhat more teenager movie - Jumper. Who said being alone on a Saturday night and not being able to drink nor eat has to be boring :)

And this is just too strange not to post : "The romans said it better" about a hedge-fund male boss (an Oxford Classics graduate) in London who is sued for sending a quote in latin.... from Catullus... to a younger female looking for a new job.... ah well, who gets disturbed by something in Latin? After all, it is used as a good ending of a powerful speech! (I mean, I can surely curse you out in my strange language without bothering anyone right? no? pah. Just because latin isn't spoken as a "living" language... ;) )


Unbalanced Reaction said...

Yikes, hope you are feeling better soon!!

chall said...

feeling better thank you! It's still a bit wobby with food though, but no real upsets today ;)

Cath@VWXYNot? said...

Sorry dude. I hope you're back to full health very soon.

chall said...

thanks Cath. Almost normal today. Just a bit slow on the coffee and the snacking ;)

The bean-mom said...

Oh, gosh, sorry you were ill over Thanksgiving! Hopefully you're better now. I am going off to the treadmill after this comment--I definitely am NOT losing weight over the holidays!