Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"so, you are involved in PhDschool?"

After a long scientific conversation with one of the hot shots..... "so, are you involved in the PhDschool at University X then" (and no, not as an organising person but as a PhD student). 

My response? "Well, I am a post doc at Fairly Big Institute and defended Y years back".

Next comment "oh, but you only look 18".

My slightly acidic response "I'm over 30".

And before someone says something, no I really don't think I look 18 and no, I don't find it charming or anything. I find it slightly condecending and if nothing else proves that someone wasn't really interesting in finding out what I was... although, I have to admit, I got a side comment "she really knows this stuff". 

(bitter thoughts about looking young and trying to hack it in this world we call science.... but the conference over all is quite nice.)


Tina said...

Ah, yes. I hate it when I go into a meeting and my PI feels the need to qualify "She's older then she looks and she really knows her stuff." He means well, but that doesn't make it less aggravating!

chall said...

I know the feeling.

On top of that, I just dfound a HUGE wrinkle in the middle of the fore head (creasing anyone?) and grey and white hair so I am quite sure I don't look under 30.

ah well, it's either going to be "too young" or "ugly" - never professional.... time to dazzle by my poster. I guess I might at well go for glam ...

Tom said...

I'm at the point in my life where not only do I hope to look younger than I really am, I hope that I feel younger too!