Monday, June 22, 2009

this vacation thing...

The main difference between my old country and US can't be more obvious than in summer time. No, I don't mean that it is triple digits Farenheit outside while it is barely above freezing back home. No, I mean "it's summer so how many weeks are you taking off?".

That would be the question back home. Most people get three weeks in a row for the summer - mostly either July or August. Here? Not so much. And I have realized that even if I am taking a looooong vacation (about 10 days I guess) I am stressing out since all people ask here is "wow, that is a Long vacation" ["your boss ok with that?]. (I am trying to look forward to vacation and not feel like a [bad post doc] flunkie. I'm working on it.) Funny is that when I then start to fret and talk to my old friends back home they go "really, That's all you are going to take?!?!?!" so I get some thinking about that too....

No wonder I am feeling in between two worlds. And for the record, I would love some kind of in between... not all vacation in July and definitely longer than 10 days. Hm, maybe in the future in a new job?

Now, time to finish the last experiments and that blasted poster... and then make a list of all things that need to go into that vacation bag soon enough!


Cath@VWXYNot? said...

Doesn't it suck? In the UK 5 or 6 weeks vacation time per year, not including the week between Xmas and New Year, which is a free bonus, is standard, some people get 7. Here I get 4 weeks INCLUDING the Xmas week, and I use every single day (which is considered unusual). This year I will have to take a few days of unpaid leave if we go to New Zealand as planned. And I hear it's even worse in the US.

Please try not to feel guilty! The length of vacation you're taking would be considered perfectly normal, everywhere else in the world...

Lisbeth said...

Oh yeah - the frustrations of having to explain these differences to people who for some reason and after several years of opportunity to learn (I'm looking at you, Mom!) don't seem to realise that just because things are one way in one country doesn't mean that they operate that way everywhere! This year we even talked about how old country's national day is not on the same date as that of new country!
However, hubby also once had a funny discussion with one of his (american) students about how we don't celebrate 4th of July in Europe....

Happy holidays! I hope you will enjoy it even if it's not quite as long as you would like :)

FrauTech said...

At work one of the games we play is comparing how much vacation time you have with all your colleagues. In our case, whoever has the most (i.e., hoardes the most and doesn't use any) wins. Sad, but how things work. I'm not as familiar with academia, maybe it takes tenure to be able to breathe a little.

chall said...

Cath: Exactly like that. What happened to the Xmas break? (even though we don't get a full week back home but three days for Xmas and new years eve and day....) Not to mention that I'm used to 10 public holidays a year too. Spoiled, that is what I was! ;)

Have fun in NZ! I am so jealous!

Lisbeth: yes, it is frustrating. Especially since you say, it is all baed on "what we have here".and my father still has problems with the time difference... that i might be at work when he calls at night since... it's more than 5 hours between us... .*sigh* my fault of course.

FrauTech: THat sounds a bit like what is going on at work... although I would never win. I win the "long days" contest though. But I can't say I am happy about that.... wins sounds like boring in any event. Vacation is a must for my little head!

microbiologist xx said...

I am surprised people react that way at your institution. I could understand a raised eyebrow if you were in a corporate environment.
In the two departments I've worked in, it is pretty much understood that someone from across the pond will take a longer vacation because of cost, duration of travel, etc.
A few years ago I even went home with one of my friends. We were gone for three weeks and it was marvelous AND as far as I was concerned I deserved it after years of shitty pay and long hours.
If your boss doesn't care, then screw those people.

chall said...

Dr MXX :)
Yes, I will not care about them. It's just a bit sterssful at times since it is under their breath that it somehow is lazy/wrong that I want to take this vacation...

ah well, I have now packed and earned a "really, only that bag but you are a girl"..... enough said. That got me a bit annoyed again. So, I can obviously live three weeks out of one bag... and am a girl. Maybe I am just a bad girl?!?! '

(sorry, tired, nervous aobut travelling and then getting comments about packing clothes and being a girl at the same time... overload.)

Lisbeth said...

Girl or not, I think travelling with several bags is silly. When seeing girls loading several bags off the luggage belt, I don't think "wauw how girly" but rather "Gee, there is NO way she'll be using everything she's packed; what a hassle all those bags are going to be when she is travelling to/from the airport, between holiday destinations etc."
I mean, you will be able to do laundry in Old country if necessary and/or buy new clothes if unforseen events (such as spilled coffee on all white t-shirts.. not that I speak from experience!) happen. And besides you probably won't be going out with the same people every night so one or two nice outfits should be enough, right?
But then, I'm not terribly vain and certainly enjoy the joys of travelling light much more than the option of choosing between several outfits everyday...(but it really would annoy me to death if I was to travel with someone who was lugging loads of bags around).

Whew, you got me going on this topic - I think you might have hit a pet peeve...
Happy travelling!

chall said...

Lisbeth: I hear you! :) That's sort of why I ended up with the huffing and puffing!!

And yes, laundry and buying clothes is a clear possibility :) and my bag is not too heavy and I have both room for more things and I can lift it myself. Two birds in one throw.

And yes, thanks for the best wishes!!