Friday, November 10, 2006


Luxury problems.... maybe that is the term I should say instead of the beautiful word 'lyxproblem'. (I have started to miss my own language. The nuances I can master which is not as easy in English.)

I wrote a while ago, that perspective is a fond friend to understand your own importance in the world. While I might think the world, and God, is unfair to me I have to realise that I am not that important and yet I am just that important. Contradiction? Maybe. Maybe not.

Life is not fair, life is very unfair. I was born in a place where I didn't have to be scared that my parents would not come home since they got killed when going to work in the morning. And all those things I experienced when I was younger, well you know... lots of people have those. It is just a question of raising to the challenge, again, and walk through life with a little more memory.

The cronicle published in The guardian yesterday was one of the worst things I have read in a while. Simply beacuse it is so clear, it is so horrible. It is soldiers with guns on one side and unarmed children on the other side.

The same thing with Sudan, Somalia and other places that we tend to say "never again". Well, I am not convinced. Maybe even more since the trial against one former soldier in the Balkan war started yesterday. (Wondering if I should call it the Kosovo or Bosnia war, or maybe just Jugoslavienkriget as we would do back home.) All memories come back now. The world watched, but then it took time to actually do something. And that was chillingly the same places where WWI started.... and we stopped talking about it in class since we had one boy from Bosnia and one from Serbia... and the weirdest was the realisation that their extended families were fighting against one another, and that they were friends prior the war. I guess I could see it as hope for the future though, when they stayed friends after everything, even though they never went home together. Their parents were closer to the conflict.

Just a reality check when I feel sad and complain over my bacteria or my life. It could be so much worse. So much worse.


The Grand Inquisitor said...

just popping by to post a comment. glad you read my blog and hope things get better for you soon. what part of northern europe are you from?

chall said...

Sweden. And yes, I think it will be better eventually... just giving it time, it's just a little frustrating sometimes.