Thursday, July 14, 2016

vacation thoughts

I have so many posts I want to write. So many things I want to bubble out and say. It's been quite the summer so far, both across the pond and on this side. Both work wise, politics and personal. And again, so many thoughts that want to get out. I'm struggling with a few decisions, private and personal? How personal is personal and how much is too private?

I know what polite talk is. I know where borders on "polite conversation" are. (thank you grandmom!) However, real personal talk with friends is very important and I like it. Personal talk with coworkers..... a little more difficult since I don't want to know exactly who is voting for Trump or who is against abortions - or more exactly, who will hate/dislike me because I really don't agree there....

Anyway, while I sort out a few of those blog posts to see which fit under the "not too private but still personal" I leave you with a photo from my holiday. It might have been shorter than my Scandinavian roots would have wanted, but it sure was sweet.

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