Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Intermission – happy tune

Before the normal ranting and complaining continues, here will be a little happy tune (and maybe one bitter remark but it is warranted).

So, for the bitter remark first…. More like my personal pet peeve in the world. If you give a presentation and the graph/data you are presenting has not come out as “significantly different” when you did the statistics, i.e. the standard deviation within the groups makes both groups similar (even if the median line of one column is above the other) – please refrain from stating “as you can see the two groups are different”. This especially if the groups contain n=3 (mice)…. And the variation within each group is larger than the “mean values of the groups”.

Enough said about that. (just one more; why do people continue to do this? Why?)

So, now The Happy Tune!

The grant based on my research was funded!! Wohooo!! It might not be an R01 but I don’t care. Funding based on the stuff I have done = I have done some stuff some people find interesting! (And worth continuing, one might add.)

Now, off to interpret more interesting results and see if I can try and summarize that paper too :)


Cath@VWXYNot? said...

YAY! That's awesome!

ScientistMother said...

woot woot!

Silver Fox said...

Congrats! Yay!

Dr. J said...

Yes, many congrats!!!!! Take every bit of good grant news you get, I'm sure you deserve it and seemingly in the day and age it is getting harder to come by.

As for the results...I find immunologists are really bad for this! But then as a micrbiologist I would :). I really dislike the need to sell positive data all the time. If someone did the experiment well with all the controls and there was no significant difference, then there was no significant with it, it is still a result.

microbiologist xx said...

Congratulations on getting your funding!!!

Anonymous said...

YAY! $$$$$$$$$$$$ is good. congrats.

chall said...

Thanks guys! :D It was a fun Monday (last week). (This week howver, needs to pick up bacause for now it is less fun.....) ah well, you win some, you loose some?! right?!

Mad Hatter said...

I'm obviously late to the party, but congratulations!!! It's always nice to have your hard work recognized, isn't it?

chall said...

yes it felt nice. Although I am not official on the grant - but it is all my work and what I am planning on doing :)