Friday, February 01, 2008

Research(er) with zits

Again I notice the fact that after a week or two working with a plastic mouth protection due to work in a BSL2 lab my face has more zits than ever. I truly look like a teenager although I am so far away from that time. Ok, I’ll admit, it is not as bad as a teenager but still, due to my breath, the stress of keeping silly hours and then of course the constant washing and maybe even sneezing while having the face mask on (trust me, that is a gross thing…) I have a kind of break out around my mouth. Ah well, it is all for a good cause?!

I will try and keep that in mind when I go out tomorrow night with zits and black bags under my eyes. “I am just a hard working scientist”. Hm, or maybe I shouldn’t just complain so much, I do research that I find intersting and it isn't going too bad (although as usual it could give more and better results faster). Let’s put the hope to Clearasil and cover up makeup :)

(trying to write an article when suffering from perfectionism and writer’s block is not really my favourite thing but hey, I am at least trying… and my mind is switching between Battlestar Galactica and "men". And no, those two things doesn't clash :) I am so shallow! )

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