Thursday, January 09, 2014

New Year's Resolutions and blogging

I've never been good at giving New Years' resolutions, nor keeping them. I like the idea of reflecting about the passed year, think about changes that might be good to make and then try to make them, just not as "promises" or "resolutions".

Then came this December and I realised that 2012 marks my lowest amounts of blogging posts since I started the whole blogging thing. I'm not really sure why. I could say something like "I'm the most creative when sad" and I haven't been as sad in 2012, but that wouldn't be completely true (it's not the best, it's just the darkest and most whiny and 2012 has had its ups and downs as most of my years).

I sort of decided somewhere along the line not to write too much whining and not as much venting, nor too much details from work not too personal, all of which combined clearly lead the posts to dry out. I tried to write more sciency pieces but I wanted to get all the facts right and then it became a little longer time and then things dragged out... And then there was the beginning of the new job, which is more computer based and when I get home after work I am not at all as interested in sitting down in front of my laptop again.

All these explanations and excuses are nice in theory, but the truth is that I miss blogging and think that maybe this year it will work if I make a promise to write - if not once a week as I first thought - but at least biweekly. I¨m hoping to find that nice middle ground between personal & private and the work-life balance.

For now though, it's time to go to bed and sleep. After finishing another episode of Dexter, I'm a little late to the party but I'm making up for lost time....


Alyssa said...

Good luck wit this goal! I'm struggling a bit with my blog right now - what to write, how much to write, and if I even want to continue (because sometimes it just feels like a chore/obligation and I have other things to do..)

Alyssa said...

Argh, just tried to comment but I think it ate it! Anyway, I just wanted to say good luck with your goal and that I'm struggling a bit with my blog as well (when to write, how much, what about, and whether to keep going...because sometimes it feels like a chore :P)

chall said...

hm, blogger just ate my comment too..... :(

thanks for the good luck wishes. it's the chore category that sometimes ends up ..but it feels good afterwards though ;)

chall said...
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chall said...
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chall said...
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chall said...

then it posted the comment in quardruples.... hm...