Monday, September 20, 2010

loosing the faith

I'm about to give up. The last couple of months, as well as last night's*, experience is pointing me towards a sort of unsettling thought. That maybe it's never going to be about what people tell you in "truth". Or honesty at all. Maybe you just need to ignore what they say but rather just go for other angles and what you see? (And that is what you get.)

I've been at these cross road before. (Anyone who's read this blog earlier know that I have wandered down the path before and pondering why I bother listening to people and what they say, when it is really all about what they do. Like you tell children; "they don't do what you say, but what you do". And then of course, I would be silly not to repeat it "actions speak louder than words".)

I guess I'm mainly tired of being played like the fool - or acting the fool believing what's said (the lies) when all is pointing towards something not being said but I stay the course since they stated something different?

My main problem probably, as always, is that I am too logical and too rational. I do a "cost vs benefit" ration on most of my behaviour and others'. (Probably why I tend not to lie since most of the times the benefit isn't worth it. Of course, that is because I feel bad when I hurt due to the lies of others, assuming others might do the same, and tend to think gangrene is worse than a clear amputation, if you know what I am referring to?)

My main problem then, is that when people do things to others, as well as to me, I tend to try and explain it. Logical. And rational. And I have a starting point of looking at "what do the gain" and, probably more important, "what does the easiest way out mean"... and easiest in my opinion would mean "less messy" and "least explanation to others".

In a simple example, at a work place; if you are working in a closed space - say a BSL3 suite - and you are using the (almost to) last equipment and you get out of there and know that someone is going in there the next day. What would you do? (You don't want to do much work...) Would you go back into the suite with all the stuff you know would be needed when the next person goes in there? Would you tell the person you know going in there what they'd need to make their work? Or, as a middle ground, would you tell someone (maybe someone who is in charge of the suite) that "these things are missing and need to be replaced?". Or would you do nothing at all?

I'm the first to say that the first would be a "sucker thing" to do, above what you might need to do. (in this example, I'm not saying I would do that... maybe put the things needed into the air lock so it's obvious for the next person to bring it in with them. Telling them since I know they are going in there - no brainer.) But, the second or third example would be in line of what I would call "needed to do in order to do a good job and being a group member"...

Although, if you do the last option... at least be a decent enough person to not assume that anyone would do anything different to you (if you were the person going into the suite). Let's just go with "do to others what you expect them to do to you", since for a rational person it at least makes sense (and I would think that is not a super-Christian thing to do... but maybe I am wrong?). Or, "actions speak louder than words" but in my opinions you don't get to bitch about it if you were to enter that suite and find out that what ever you needed in order to to your job is not there. See, as a rational and logical person (as myself) this behavour doesn't make sense.

And to be annoyed and hurt if you were called on this behaviour? And lie about why/what happened? (I didn't do that!) Yeah... you got it.. In my limited rational book, that doesn't make sense since it is... more foolish that being played.

Did I mention that I am currently out of patience and being the nice girl (or doctor... or human) when other people are trying to fuck me over? Yeah...

And here I thought I was trying to save my soul (or personality) and being the good person, even if it cost me some slaps in the face... but once you start thinking kicking me when it looks like I am falling, it's no game. There are limits to my foolishness and niceness. However, I really hope that I can keep coming back to the "not looking at people as if they are lies pieces of dirt who wants to get ahead no matter what". But I'm starting to really questioning why it's worth it? Maybe I should just look out for me, all the time and not care anything about others? After all, there are a lot of people in the world like that...

(I just feel like that means I am giving up on the good in people... It's maybe about a grey scale? I've never been good with mixing black and white that much - apart from in clothing, of course.)

*election night in Sweden. People get the government the deserve and want... right? ehh... we're in deep trouble now.


pika said...

Sorry about the election, but at least Reinfeldt says now that he won't get into coalition with SD ( it's likely he'll enter the coalition with Miljopartiet).

I can't offer any solution for your problem though, as I am the same, too logical, rational and direct. And I always subconsciously expect people to be like that and they are not and then I just don't get it.

Funny, my word verificaiton is "chillit" - good advice from the universe?

ScientistMother said...

I would replace the stuff if I had time, otherwise I would tell both the next person going in and the person in charge.

But then again, I expect people to behave the way the want to be treated. Shocking concept apparently....

chall said...

Pika> well, we'll see what happens with politics.
as for the other stuff, at least it is nice not to be alone on the raional/logical train.

SM> the difficult thing of "replace stuff in BSL3" is the scrubbing in and gowning up... lots of time.

And yes, the equal treatment "back and forth" is something odd?!?! /a bit tired and bitter about it

Psycgirl said...

Chall, I'm in the midst of a similar experience - trying to figure out how to work with someone who consistently lies to me.... It can be really complicated but it sure does suck :( I agree with you - actions always speak louder than words

chall said...

Pscycgirl> I'm thinking in my head "look, I might as well rather do this alone, since I can't trust you". anything to just not get tricked a lot. It's so draining

microbiologist xx said...

When I used to work in the BSL3 it was common to let the next person know what items needed to be replaced, refilled, restocked..whatever. If you didn't, you typically got a call from the next person from within the BSL3 asking for the supplies. The person who forgot to inform the lab of what supplies were missing, got to run the supplies to the lab member waiting in the BSL3, which in our case was on another floor.