Friday, September 29, 2006

one good thing in the world of chaos and destruction

I have had to choose on which day to recieve these good results I think I would have chosen the last two days for sure. (Yes, the days have been bad - for real.) It actually gives me some kind of hope for this project (even though I have been known to be uneffective when it comes to part two: aka known as "the primers". I have promised myself though, I will order them before the weekend and due to things I will not talk about today I will have lots of time next week to stay in late at lab etc. Then I might actually get to do the pcrs and the sequencing.).

So, back to the happy project, which I probably should call "look, there is actually something happeing here" and then maybe, just maybe write some kind of draft for a manuscript... or a least summerize for the PI what has been done and what needs to be done in order to get a manuscript. Or I could always let him lead (since in this place obviously the PI plans the manuscript and what need to be done more rather than the post doc.)

There is a difference adding the compound 6 h after the bacteria rather than 24 hours. Gahh... sometimes the theory can be proven and not disproven! :) Always something... need to have a nice little graph of it though.

Then I can go home to the weekend I will never ever want to repeat. And yes, I do know that in advance. And yes, it will probably break my heart. And yes, still I will try, try, TRY and believe that it might work. But then again, Eeyore might come and visit Sunday night... we'll see what happens. But of course, as always, I must wait and see. (If I ever could have one wish it would be now and a time travel machine to the future. )

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