Friday, January 01, 2010

happy new years

Happy New Years!

It's been a bit of a break from the Internet with the holidays and all. Needless to say, or maybe not?, it's been a great holiday with real vacation and if it wasn't for the silly cold I seemed to have picked up everything would be awesome.

That said, I thought about doing a little recap of 2009 but my head is throbbing too much and I think I need to lie down in bed (again) and sleep (some more). I can say this though, 2009 was much better than 2008, which was better than 2007. I want to say I look forward to 2010 being even better, but that would be inviting the devil in the doorway ;) I do think 2010 has all the signs of being very good though.

Highlights of 2009 would be;
* new job
* getting my first first-author publication as a post-doc
* getting two grants/awards for conferences
* one short vacation with a best friend for the first time in several years due to family restrictions
* realising that Skype do help with keeping in contact with some friends and family
* learning all (almost) about getting a new type of visa
* real vacation (i.e. no work nor conference and no bad feeling about not thinking about work!)
* sharing good times with someone important to me
* learning more about me, my emotions and my friends and family

Things for 2010
* finish those papers and left over stuff from post doc
* adapt into the new job and the new routines
* socialize some more with new work colleagues (maybe)
* more exercise
* more contact with certain friends who has fallen out of touch due to personal problems/issues (i.e. being a better friend)
* less worrying
* less nagging and complaining in the personal sphere

I'll work through more things later, for now it is me and a date with the pillow!


Anonymous said...

I had that cold the week before Christmas. It was a doozy for a cold, and it took me out of work for three days. Feel better!

Alyssa said...

Happy new year!!

ScientistMother said...

Happy New Year Chall!

Unbalanced Reaction said...

Hope your pillow date went well! You had a very productive 2009; here's to another great year!

DrDudeChick said...

Happy New Year!

Cath@VWXYNot? said...

Happy New Year!

I have some quite similar resolutions to yours, including being better at staying in touch with friends.

I hope you're feeling better, or at least surviving your first day back at work!

chall said...

All:I hope y'all had a good time and good times in the future :)

UR: thanks for the well wishes. I hope for another first author... at least. hope is there. Pillow date was awesome!

Cath:yes, surviving might have been a more appropriate word ^^feeling better too though. happy times.