Saturday, January 09, 2010

SUPERBOWL picks! send to me

After having recieved a few emails with picks for the challenge I presented in my last blog post it appears that I wrote sloppily (and wrong considering the crude pic I made was wrong).

What I meant to write, and I hope this would be ok for all interested parties, was to pick every winner in all the games that are scheduled and end up with the winner of the Superbowl.

This means a few things;
First, if you pick the wrong team in the first run - you won't be happy....
Second, it will be much less likely that we have a draw since there are so many options
Third, I guess I thought of this since this is how I did the "brackets" last year in the lab when I lost horribly and thought that this time I might redeem myself :)

Hopefully we could get some more people to send in their picks so we can have outselves a little game. Email:

If people don't like this way, we can always stick with new picks for each week. I am game for which ever way people wants to do it most. And I have already picked my teams before I looked at any of your emails. Promise.

Please note that the number 1 and 2 will meet the highest and the lowest seed respectively in round 2. That means, if number 3 wins against number 6, 3 will meet number 2 for round 2 since 3 is a better seed than 4 or 5 who are playing against eachother in the first round. 4 or 5 will then meet number 1... does this make sense? I suggest looking at or somewhere more clear than here in case I confuse you ;)

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I like this way! It's more of a challenge, and will probably not lead to a draw (like you say).