Sunday, March 14, 2010

working out to the FOOD network

I have wondered a lot of times at the gym when I walk in and there is a FOOD network show on. Who wants to watch "peanut butter gooey cake" or "Paula what'shername cooking with Butter, butter and did I say butter?" or "let's deep fry these veggies and throw together a nice potato gratin with extra cheese"?!?!?

I don't know, maybe I am strange but watching food makes me hungry and feeling fat at the same time. It's the guilt trip of a life time. At least for me. And most all of the times, it's the skinny ones who put the food thing on. I guess maybe they only watch food and not eat it?! (I know, over simplifying but seriously.) The other options seem to be sports (any kind) or news shows. I'm more of a "something that keeps me guessing so I don't think too much about the pain".

Today though, I had to warn one nice older man on the treadmill next to mine. I had ended up watching "Real life in the ER" with a botfly like concept in the head of a girl... (She thought she had bugs in her head.... the doctors she had seen prior did not see any bugs and talked about maybe she needed a shrink. This ER doctor did see some bubbles (!) from small holes in her scalp. And then all of a sudden, a black headed worm... and then some more. Oh the horror.) And on top of the bugs in the head, there was a man coughing blood from swallowing a push pin, and a teenager having a blood clot in his brain. I felt pretty bad about having the "quite nasty show" on, while he watched the ancient cities and societies on Discovery next to me.

He must have liked it though, because when I left the machine to go home (oh sweetness I can't walk right now) he said he'd like it on since it was pretty interesting when the other channel went into commercial breaks ;) (Yes, he did ask if I by any chance was a doctor or something like that since I had a big grin on when the worm was drawn out.... microbiologist sure :) )

This bickering said, I am now finding myself watching the food network before I go to bed. It's the "Ultimate Recipe Showdown" - great ideas for dinner and stuff (at least today!).

Bad thing? I'm hungry again but now it is time for bed! Happy sleepy time!


Alyssa said...

I find a lot of sports & news shows on at the gym too. I think it's because they usually are commercial free. Plus, maybe people catch up on their sports/news this way?

What I don't understand is when there is the country music channel on. Why would someone watch that? Use your iPod and save that TV for someone that wants to use it! :)

Julie @ Bunsen Burner Bakery said...

I often work out at times when there isn't really anything else on any other channel, so I watch the Food Network. Last week it was back-to-back episodes of The Best Thing I Ever Ate: Cheese and Fried Foods. I couldn't even focus on working out I was craving pizza so badly!

chall said...

Alyssa> I could understand that but they aren't commercial free. there is lots of commercial at CNN and Fox... not to mention espn and fox sports (see a theme of the channels?) ;)

I'm totally with you on the country channel though. Unless there are music videos? Maybe they want to see flesh? :)

EtBr> I guess that could be it. I never work out at that strange times. Early in the morning there are charmed episodes to stare at (or L&O or Angel or something like that). In the afternoon/evening we're back to L&O and/or CSI/Bones/something equally brain dead :)

I tell you, last week I was forced to stare at a stupid peanut butter show. I swear, the whole hour was dedicated to peanut butter and "what you can cook with it". yeah... so not needing that....

Cath@VWXYNot? said...

You can choose your channel? My gym has 1 TV per 3 or 4 people, with no sound (they play music instead) but with the subtitles on. In the morning they have either the local news or the sport channel. I use my work outs to catch up on my spoken-word podcasts, so I just listen to those and either browse the subtitles or watch the visuals. Or just zone out.

I once used a hotel gym where the rowing and cycling machines actually powered the personal TV. So if you wanted to watch, you had to keep moving! I want one at home... I watched half a world cup football game in that gym and was knackered afterwards!

I am always STARVING after a workout. I've heard that this is why exercise-only programs don't help you lose weight; you overcompensate by pigging out afterwards! Swimming is particularly bad for this. So the food network would be the last thing I'd want to watch, it would make everything so much worse!

chall said...

Cath> yes, I can choose when I am alone :) there are 4 TVs facing the hell bands (treadmills/ellipicals/stairmasters/bicycles)

I like the TV being poswered by your exercise. wuold sure keep me going. (Yes, I have thought about the carrot/choclate in front of my face too :) )

I'm not hungry if I work out in the evening, then it works as an appatite suppressant. I know I need to eat, but I am not hungry. In the morning though, when I do exercise after only a banana in order to maximise fat burning.... I could eat a pig :D (bacon is my friend, right?)

I think the exercise programs only are better for your heart though. But so far I see the only weight loss when I just quit eating. Sad but true. My working out makes me stronger and leaner (sort of) but not thinner.... ah well, at least I have some boobs in there somewhere ;)

Julie @ Bunsen Burner Bakery said...

I think it is definitely true about the difference between caloric restriction for weight loss and exercising for heart health but not really helping with weight loss. If I solely count calories, I will drop some weight. If I do cardio and lift 5 days a week, my weight stays the same regardless of what I eat. But my doctor has said that it is better to be overweight (within reason... not talking about morbidly obese or anything) and exercising because your body benefits more from the physical activity.

The bean-mom said...

Um, I'm one of those people who like to watch Food Network at the gym. I can't even really explain why. For some reason, yes, I love watching a succulent roast chicken or some such food goodness and getting hungry while working out. Maybe I'm just a masochist.

chall said...

ErBr: I have come to that conclusion too... my tummy will never grow smaller if i don't loose weight and the combo of exercise and less food might do it. Just because I am scared (yes, I know, silly word) of loosing all the muscles I have worked hard to build. I'd loose that with the fat if I just stopped eating so much. Need the combo.

Yesterday I felt a bit frustrated though, I have lost weight, inches of thighs and semiinches of chest but not a drop of the waist :( need to attack the food now.

BM: I do't mind a roasted chicken. It's the DEEP FRIED SNICKERS and others of the likes of that I can't take. Dear me, real food is at least dreamable of. Chocolate and the stuff, not so much ;)

I guess it's like me wtching top model while being on the stairmaster... "need to be that thin" (knowing I can't and I won't but it helps a bit still, strangely)