Friday, October 24, 2008

bragging rights and the serious talk

It’s going to be a quick thing here. I thought I would be more efficient at work today but it has been brewing for awhile and I have failed to write.

I have bragging rights!! For the second week in a row!!! Over here !
Thanks Cath!! I at least say something fun to someone. (end self depreciation)

And that brings me to the second thing. Since we are a team of hockey interested scientists [Scienctistmother, Okham and Cath] funny enough we all seem to be Canadian (apart from me, who isn’t a real Canadian) and maybe one who is in the works of becoming a little more Canadian, we have been exchanging words over the last couple of weeks (months? years?)

Anyhow, I have received a bunch of scorn from some since my heart is given to the Maple Leafs. They haven’t done a terrific job so far, but I have been a loyal fan for a number of years so I have trouble quitting now… although the t-shirt has not been worn for awhile, more about that further down.

Granted, I am not “one team girl”. (If you find this disturbing, well go with the analogy of children. You can have several and you love them all equal, or so they all claim… you get the picture. If that doesn’t work for you, well – then I am a sort of small cheating or at least ‘spicing it up” woman. Deal with it.) In fact I have another two teams in my heart since the first crush established itself like 17 years ago. The Canucks are there, after I lived in the city and breathed the air and skied the hills and rode my bike on the other hills…. How could I not be infatuated?!

And then, as of this last year the only US team I think we be possible; the Red Wings. Why? Well, the team is practicly Swedish – wouldn’t you agree? ;) (I will forget that little short desperate fix I needed to have when I got my only hockey game IRL so far in the South, but one does not talk about personal indiscretions so let’s leave that.)

So, with this all should be fine? Right?! I have one major team, and two on the side. One in the East, one in the West and one in the US. All should be fine and dandy. One thinks.

The problem? Well, I would say that the last couple of weeks I have turned into a fan of signs. Like, if you are interested in hockey why don’t you wear a sign of that team on your lapel so I can know that we… well, let’s say, won’t match!?!

Otherwise it can happen that you find, in the middle of an otherwise lovely conversation, that the other person happens to be an old fan of the… Frogs… one of the “other old teams who started the Cup”… the really “we don’t like anything from Toronto so why don’t you crawl back under that rock” (right back at you!*) “well, we’ve won the Cup more times and by the way** when was the last time you won?***

And if the conversation happen to take place during the first meeting between Maple Leafs and The Canadiens (which the Leafs lost with like 1-6) you quickly realize that there will be no repetition of this during the hockey year. Well, not unless you want to have a very sulky person who someone else is prodding and fails to realize exactly how bad mood one can get into. (I am just saying that mocking the loosing team is not, I repeat, not a _safe_ thing to do if you want to still be on the plus side…which for some would be breathing... others be able to eat proper food. I'd better stop now before it turns PG13-rated.)

So, I have six evenings for sure this coming year that I know who I won’t be spending them with. I know that the taunting will end in blood shed, or at least very bruised egos and maybe a remote thrown through the TV. (And that would be a shame since it is such a nice TV.) By the way, no one ever said you had to agree did they? And no one ever said that it was ok to goad or taunt without repercussions, right?

With that note I will leave to do all the things that I have procrastinated about. And dream about three weekends from now when the Talks are over and I am gone from the city and work for a whopping five days!! Schheezz… I can hardly wait. And then I can start planning the vacation home trip in January/Feb/whenever it will be.

*I kind of found the architecture of the city intriguing… but now we were talking about hockey. And that’s serious.
**well, duh. Are we really going to measure it that way? Really?
*** I know. Awhile back.. .like… ehh… 1967? But this is what I mean, you stick with your team anyway. Because they are, your team.


Amanda said...

You hockey people mystify me :-)

Cath@VWXYNot? said...

Support who you like and I will have full respect for you, as long as a) you have a genuine connection to the team and b) you are consistent! I only really hate the people who jump from winning team to winning team!

Oh and I think it is terribly cruel to remind Okham of hockey this weekend.

(Not really! ROFLMFAO!)

chall said...

Amanda> well, its something.... ;)

Cath> well, at least no one can blame me from going from winning team to winning team... although this weekend was a good one for Leafs and Canucks. (not for Canadiens though... mohoo... too bad... not really ;) ) I get to eat it up eventually I am sure.

Anonymous said...

ah poor poor misguided Leafs' fan. at least we dont let the Bruins put our players through the glass.

chall said...

I was tempted to say... ah well, it's my blog.

"at least we are brave enough to not be 'anonymous' when we mock people".

And Leafs won Saturdat. I don't know about the Bruins but there were some other teams that lost fairly large....