Friday, July 13, 2012

I'm not a girl

I'm not that picky and think I have a fairly thick skin.  (I've touched on the 'girl' subject before.) However, I am also too much of a feminist I guess? to be really "accepting it". I just don't like being called/referred to as "one of the girls" at work. In a work situation. From someone who is "in charge". Talking about the "underlings".

Sorry. But no.

I could get into it with the whole feministic spiel about "girls are females who are not adults with a sexuality and therefore considered to be 'less of a threat' to men, whereas a woman implies more forceful wills and sexuality and an equal to a man". Or simply said "girls are young women, whereas males are referred to as 'men' and not boys; 'men and girls' would be inconsistent". As I said, I won't get into it.

I'm just sayin' that I have no problem being "one of the guys" (guys being one of those words I use in general with direction to both female and male friends), "a person", "a team member", "a scientist", "research tech" or maybe even "a PhD/doctor" but I do have, at my current age (not over 50 since I checked around and many women over 50 seemed to be ok with being referred to as younger), a huge problem being referred to as a "girl" in the workplace.

And yes, it might have to do with the fact that many of the 'girls' referring is usually someone 'they' (the people saying it) thinks being slightly (hm) beneath them.

Sure enough, I might just not have any sense of humour. Or being thin-skinned and oversensitive. Or it's just all about that I am a feminist which sort of explains the latter two sentences, right?

Thank god for it being Friday and wine.... Maybe I can become a better* person over the weekend?

*"get with the program and not care


Dr. Dad, PhD said...

You're not being sensitive. Or rather if you are, so am I - "girl" is way to misogynistic a term to be used on anyone over the age of 12.

But that's just my opinion....

chall said...

Dr Dad - it feels good to know I'm not alone in my sensitive camp....

It's fairly common here to refer to women as "ladies", which is why I was slightly surprised "we" jumped into the "girls" camp all of a sudden. Then again, I know one of them would be offended being called "one of the guys". Ah, it's all so very complicated being "non-offensive" nowadays, isn't? Would be better in the old good days..... hmm...

ScientistMother said...

I fully agree with you, but will admit to having used the girl to refer to a woman/lady. Im trying to break myself of the habit for the reasons you mention

chall said...

SM: (continuing my feministic rant and world view.... ;) ) it wouldn't be a problem if we all weren't indoctrinated with the same thing... i.e. women fall into the same traps as the 'patriarchy thoughts' mainly brought on by men in charge.

I still feel funny at times referring to myself as a 'woman'. Especially in my native tongue where "tjej" is a common term for all females (although originally that is referring to young woman/girl) and much more used than "kvinna" since it's slightly too grown up/serious ?

Confusing, that's what it is. Although, in a work space things are easier at times since I'm not friends - they're my coworkers...