Thursday, February 02, 2012

the most dangerous thing according to what I hear...

... Is have grown women being able to have sex and at the same time protect themselves from STDs as well as becoming pregnant. I'm tempted to say "it's scary that women could enjoy sex without risking a pregnancy and therefore being linked to the man forever"....

Not to mention that yearly health screenings is something every woman should have. (as well as men)

Yeah... starting the day at the gym watching FOX news might not have been the smartest plan for my sanity.... nor my aggression level going into work.

(and don't get me started on the difference between Plan B - "the day afer pill" - and "the abortion pill". They don't even contain the same hormones and are _very_ different. Plan B won't even work if the woman is already pregnant. So. Get. The. Facts. Don't. Just. Repeat. Lies.)


FrauTech said...

Oh man. I hear ya. Was reading a writer who I like otherwise comparing the murder that takes place in "Crime and Punishment" to abortion. The idea that the protaganist supposedly sees the old woman he murders as a "useless cockroach". I guess I see a big difference betweent a completely sentient adult and a non-sentient parasite that is feeding off of someone else's body. Yes it completely blows my mind that those that think the government shouldn't get involved to tell business what to do, or shouldn't try to restrict dangerous pollutants in our air and water, should on the other hand have complete control over my womb. I could go on forever, but I'd probably start to make a lot of internet enemies so maybe I won't. Anyways, keep on preachin' sister.

chall said...

FrauTech: You know, it's such an infected debate with way too much grand-standing and "you don't know so I'll decide for you etc..."

That said, it's a complicated issue. That said though, I'd prefer to be honest about the fact that access to contraceptives and woman rights/future are linked and in times when women have had possibility to "control" their reproductive health, society is more 'equal'.

alright, enough grandstanding from me. It's Sunday morning after all ^^