Please don't make up a number when writing something to an offical report.... as "it's efficacy is X -fold greater than compound C" and then send it Not if you are not SURE that it really is X fold greater.
Well you see, it might be obvious to some of us (hrm) but once you make a statement as such in writing, it is very hard to back peddle and still keep the trust from the official people in question.
And if someone else happens to be the responsible one to show that indeed it is X-fold greater.... although you do know that this will be very hard (if not impossible) to show. Well.... then you really have put them in a fairly rough spot.
(I'm pretty sure it's obvious that I am not the person stating "it's Xfold greater". However, I might be someone else in the little venting.... yeah... ^^)
seriously - someone just made up a number?! What a ridiculous thing to do!
Of course not making up. It was a perfectly resonable number, one that you can sort of get in the literature, right... or look at the graph.. oh wait, you mean that the scale is... ohh....
/end venting
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