Monday, January 10, 2011


Coming back after vacation is playing catch up. Sometimes easier than other times. All those emails... and those loose ends to tie. I guess I shouldn't be surprised about a few unbloggable things (but yes, I still am...). Let's just go with; when (sounds much better than if, right?) I become the ruler of the world - emails will have to be answered. And yes, I'm completely OK with a "I can't answer right now, but within x hours/days" so I at least get some kind of response and can tick a box off. However, a complete lack of response by several who are in the same boat.... not so much. (Probably said too much already. But it will be sort of interesting when the snow ball hits flame.)

Second thing to notice. Blood test needed in order to be cleared working with less regular things came back as an email containing the sentence "Your results were okay". And no, that would not be the "correct way" to answer such test. I'd be happier if it'd said "negative or positive on T and R" but I guess I'll accept that slightly less clear answer (also not in an pdf-file marked "confidential"). Although, I can be happy that no one who were to break into my email account would know for what I was tested - guess that's something for confidentiality? Especially since another test came back slightly off. I guess I might need to take some other action and make sure that I'm more of a worrier than accurate. Funny enough (no, not funny really - as usual), I'm not really a worrier but I think I need to take some kind of action since I've played ignore for a bit now.

And last, the article that has been on my mind for many months got accepted!! Yey! My latest first author publication and the last one from my old post doc place! Added bonus? Might end up on cover.... will see if that happens but the Editor was enquiring about better resolution photos :)


Alyssa said...

Congrats on the article! Great way to to start the year!

microbiologist xx said...

Great news about the article! Congrats.

Genomic Repairman said...

Congrats, you know how to kick off a productive year.

Cath@VWXYNot? said...

Congrats on the article!

People not answering emails within a reasonable timeframe really bugs me too. Grrrrr.

The bean-mom said...

Wow, potential cover article?

Congrats on the publication and finishing up the loose ends from your postdoc! It must be a big relief, and a good kick-off to the new year!

chall said...

Thanks all of you! It does feel good to have it "out the door and check boxed" so to speak :)

unknown said...


EcoGeoFemme said...

Congratulations! That's great news!