Sunday, February 21, 2010

for Science Girl - the Baby shower post

I never had encountered a baby shower before I moved to the South of the States. Back home, we are a bit too superstitious to throw parties and stuff before the baby's out.... ah well, I have to say that I find it especially good with a shower if you are in "another part of the world but your family" since it is going to be helpful with all the stuff and things and talks from "other people".

I had a slightly hard time writing this post though. I don't have children, and I haven't been to many showers... I guess we could have done a "measure of baby belly" compared to all the attending other people? (yes, that is as awkward as I find to write it - chubby girl I am.) Or simply a few of my own hopes and suggestions coming from being a baby sitter and having close friends with children.

Don't stress about being "the perfect mother". You will be perfect for your child. Don't waste energy on the getting caught up in the "game of comparison" between other women and their family situation. It's hard, I know, but try and push thoughts like that to the side.

Don't stress about not loosing baby weight as fast as all the crazy celebrities. It's probably going to go away in due time, if you want it to go away? Other than that, who cares if you look different after a baby? That said, be careful if/when you start exercising again after the birth since the body is slightly different and ligaments etc
might need more time to get use to pressure?!

Do enjoy the new life! Maybe allow some time for just the three of you to hang out and acquainted before all the crazy friends and family come by and want to tell you how to do all of it "the right way". My close girl friend at home told me she really loved that time with her first baby since it was such a shock (even if they knew she was coming) to have that little one in the bed and oh... so small feet and that little
mouth and .... I think you get the picture :)

Oh, and maybe buy some new clothes for you that are "in between clothes" since most of my friends hated their maternity clothes but couldn't really wear the clothes they had pre-pregnancy. Just to have something at home before the birth so you don't have to solve it once you get back home from the hospital.

And if you want a suggestion for a new type of shirt; these shirts are the thing! Even if you don't want to breast feed "in public" the ones I know who has a shirt like it, love it since it feels "less naked and less hassle". I think you can find them in other stores (although I have always bought them at H&M and brought them with me to my present place as a pressie for some of the new mothers I have gotten to know here.)

Well, I think that this is what I think.... maybe a little wish from the egalitarian Scandinavian that the father will have a possibility of experiencing the joys of diaper changing and snuggles and burpings and all - so you two can share the experience and that the baby can get a close connection with her father.

And oh, FisherPrice toys (especially in wood) are awesome to play with. I still have my plastic car garage and my cash register since my childhood (they are currently on a tour to one friend), they are a bit pricy but they will last a life time!

Best of luck and hope it all goes well!


Fia said...

I so second the Fisher Price toys! We've still got some fromt he time my sis and me were little, and now my own kids love them as dearly as I did myself! So worth the investment.

Science Bear said...

Yeah, get ready for baby showers, house warming showers, wedding showers, bachelorette parties, engagement showers, and anything else a southerner can think to throw a party and get presents for :)

I wasn't aware other European countries didn't do this, but I guess we learn new things everyday!

chall said...

Fia> yes, my stuff are on loan to other children to slobber on :)

SB> I've encountered bacholerette parties, bachelor parties and house warming parties.

No wedding showers, not even rehersal dinners are usual, baby shower AFTER the baby's born but usually it's only a naming ceremony with some gifts... and of course, birth days and funerals.

As fas as I remember, that's it. There is a long standing tradition of not "inviting the devil into the enterance hall/kitchen" - hence no pre-celebrations.... you don't want to jinx it.

Rest of Europe, I know nothing about ;)

ScienceGirl said...

Thanks for the reminder to not fall into the futile trap of perfection - I think I may need to post it on the wall for future reference. And those breastfeeding tops are genius and gorgeous, although a tad pricey ;)

I am new to the Western toys; I will keep FisherPrice in mind - thanks for the recommendation!

Thanks so much for attending the shower despite the superstitions (which are the same in Ukraine, by the way).