Friday, October 02, 2009

First rule

(no, it's not "you don't talk about Fight club".)

NEVER make stuff up.

Alternative solutions:
* "I did not have the time so I didn't do it"
* "I forgot"
* "I lost the paper I wrote down the result on"
* "actually what ever that is true works here"

but never ever make stuff up (and guessing would be in this category). Especially not if you make a stock that your collegues and/or friends and/or collaborators will use^.

And then people wonder why some scientists are control freaks? Yeah well, doesn't surprise me.

It's such a shame though. Yesterday was one of the absolute top 10 days I have had as a scientist! Absolutely wonderful results from an experiment that has been in the works for over two years. And this morning started with grinning faces and talks about C/N/S paper for me (we'll see if that really happens but maybe).

I guess it is only to try and not blow the fuse and find the happy place again and then regroup. It's not like it is the first time.... (I just thought it was "the last time" last time...)

^yes, you will look like a complete idiot and a lying piece of something when it is concluded that something crucial is wrong and not adding up.


Tina said...

I hear your pain, and wonder again: why is that rule so hard to follow? Contratulations on the good day though, it is always nice when C/N/S enter into the realm of possibility.

chall said...

Tina; one would think that it would be an obvious and very easy rule to obey....

yes, I will wait and see if it still looks like a possibility next week. I have some last check up experiments to do... although, if it turns out for real and IF the paper get accepted (like what, 5 months from now?) I will be one step closer to child hood dreams :)

Amanda@Lady Scientist said...

The C/N/S paper sounds awesome!

I've never understood why rule #1 was so hard to follow. Just say that you didn't know or forgot or whatever. Don't tell me you pH'd something you obviously didn't!

chall said...

Amanda: I¨m not counting the CNS stuff until I see it,. Although, it is fun to think that the stuff I do might actually be interesting there... ah well, we'll see...