Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Addiction with (non)trust

I have said before, I have a slight addiction to LMN. Lifetime Movie Network. That and some other shows some people laugh about and consider the viewers romantics saps with decreased mental ability and too much fantasy-romantic-world.

Sure I thought, I’d give it a go. Not watching these shows like Army Wives, Drop Dead Diva or some romcoms... nope. I’d go back to the real shows. The shows that real people watch^. Like Simpsons, Family Guy or wait, maybe CSI and Law&Order. It should probably be noted that I am an old fan of Law&Order since I was a teenager. And CSI (the original set in Vegas) and I were an item during a longer time although we have fallen apart the last couple of years. (Too complicated to keep fixed times when you don’t have a VCR or a DVR or a Tivo. Not at problem nowadays.)

I drift... I ended up with a Law&Order marathon the other night. Not the original L&O, since they have new spin offs nowadays, but the Special Victims Unit. And then some Criminal Intent. The first specializes in sex crimes (many against children and/or exposed people like illegal immigrants), the second is focused on "more serious crimes" or something equal to that. Not the happiest moments of reality or crimes as one might understand.

After a few episodes I was amazed how good a detective I think I would make since I picked out the perpetuator in the beginning... (hm, or maybe I just have seen one too many episodes or read too many thrillers/police novels?) the worst part was when I realized part of how I deducted it all. First rule?

*Never trust anyone.
*People aren’t really nice, at all.
*Everyone is out for themselves.
*Love always have one person loosing. (no, not the one loving less)

And did I mention the “don’t trust anyone?”

Hm. Went to bed with a slightly unsettling feeling in my belly. Feeling more distrusting about people in general (I already have some issues with delegating and trusting other people doing my research and this other stuff didn’t really help on a grander scale of things), more insecure of the world and thinking that maybe no attachments to anything would be the securest way to go in the future. (mental note; don’t form attachments with your research. Or at least not too much.^^)

Then I snuggled with my pillow. Laughed and decided that only one (ok, maybe two) episodes of L&O is allowed henceforth. No overdosing on hate, insecurity and jealousy. And maybe the reality portrayed in the L&O is as concentrated on one angle as the more “romantic sappy” series that I see on the telly?

^ I obviously haven't mentioned the scifi and the discovery addiction but we'll get to that another time.
^^ got a question from a person the other day. “Do you dream about your research?” The answer would be yes. Especially now, under stress. The person laughed and said “I’ve never done that. I just shut off when I leave the building!”.


microbiologist xx said...

I would give anything to just shut off when I leave the building.

chall said...

uhu, me too. I suck at it. At the moment I am dreaming about it a bit too much...stress and all...

Grading Voyager said...

I remember when I was a first year grad, struggling through classes on no sleep, that I had a nightmare where I couldn't figure out how to complete an integral, in French! That doesn't even make sense, but I woke up all distressed. I think that was one of the two mornings a semester I allowed myself to turn off the alarm and skip my morning class so I could catch up on a little sleep!