Thursday, January 22, 2009

why I am not a physicist

I'm opting for the green arrow. Although, even Genesis starts with chaos... and there are lots of pieces one can build from. And maybe even leave some out?!?!


Southern Grad Girl said...

Good luck avoiding "kablam." ;-)

chall said...

Thanks! I am trying... but it feels a bit like the red arrow is coming closer. Then again, I am trying to se the positive things with just making a new thing with the pieces and maybe forgetting the bad parts :)

ScientistMother said...

eek! think positive! think positive!

chall said...

(abandoning the promise for two seconds - you have not seen hockey for a while have you? ;) )

it does look much more positive now. I made a choice and moved into "well, at least I tried and that is really all one can get in a science world" .... and well, it is not exactly the results I wanted, they are good enough.

ScientistMother said...

Dr. Chall I was in a good mood until you had to remind me of last night!!! I have been watching, I'm not one to trash them when they're doing bad and then jump on the band wagon when they do well.I keep quiet and hope for the best.

chall said...

hey, (well, I guess I earned that one?!) I haven't said anything since I am crying....

I hope for the best too! Seriously.

sorry about bringin up bad feelings. won't happen again.

chall said...
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