So, what to do? Watch movies, TV series (eat a silly amound of Christmas food and chocolate) and go for a run (for at least 25 mins... wow...) . Excellent! (imagine Burns doing that in Simpsons, or who ever it is that rubs his hands together and hizzes out "excellent" - maybe one of my friends back home?).
I can recommend nothing else, but I can state - if anyone thought it was a good plan - that watching The Shining when you are alone in a house and the rain and thunderstorm warnings are in effect, well that is just EXTREMELY STUPID. Lucky me I only kind of glanced at maybe 3 minutes.... or so.... car crash anyone? "Don't look" ... or those real ER shows with surgerys when you have finally made that nice dinner plate... haha, failure.
It's a much better plan to watch Family guy and round up with Aslan getting killed by the White Witch... not to mention a few back episodes of Eleventh hour (oh Rufus) and Leverage (new series, not sure that I am that crazed but it sure beats The Shining) to get into a Holiday mood, wouldn't you say?!
Best thing of the night? Realising exactly how scared I am of those HORRIBLE roaches one can find down here in the South. I'll give you the image. You are comfy in the comfy chair, bare feet and listening to the storm outside. Trees are knocking on your windows, rain is sloshing down hard and you have a nice cup of mulled wine in your hand. And this is the time when you see something LARGE crawl on the floor just on the left/front side (think 11 o'clock) or the comfy chair. Did I mention you are bare foot? And that you are waring a skirt? And that it is a huge orange glowing roach.... and you are in the middle of a storm.
Yeah, this bug* girl is not really a bug girl. I really wish I could stop being the saddest example of the scared screaming girl when there are bugs around but seriously.... I can't stand roaches. Nor earwigs for that matter. But roaches here are kind of ENORMOUS and just supersuperfast... (One reason I would never mind trying out for Fear Factor. "hey guys, here is the roach tank. You just have to get in there with a bikini on" or "you just have to eat these live earwigs" yeah. right. not. even. thinking about it. True examples though. crazy people.)
Well, lucky for me I could rush up, get my shiny shoes (with a solid sole) and the Raid (commercial warning). Yeah.... and that roach was toast. I refrained from stomping on it. (I still haven't decided if the thing I was taught earlier is correct or not - that squished roaches give away pheromones to their families and friends and bring more roaches to the 'corpse'. Any takers?! Urban legend?) Probable more cruel though, I stood and watched it fight and finally turn belly up and die after taken quite a swig of the Raid coqtail (yes, I squirted a lot of it on it. Sorry. No love lost for 2 inches long orange roaches inside of the house, rain hiding or not.) Then it was the hard thing of disposing of the body... I really need to work on that yuack factor but I truly almost shook when trying to grab that thing...
And now I will try and refrain from thinking about all those things (work, roaches, The Shining) and go to bed so I can get my beauty sleep. Maybe an episode of Family guy will help?
nighty night all. Hope you have a great Xmas holiday. (and soon a Happy New Year... sooon)
*In my old lab my prof always talked about "the bugs" when we discussed the bacteria.... it also makes it easier to laugh about "bugger the bugs" when the bacteria failed to grow on time. Easily amused, that would be me and him - yes.
Aarrgghh don't watch the Shining by yourself! Are you crazy?!
I only watched like.. eh... 5 mins... I knwo I should not, especially not when it is dark outside and all... but like I said, it is like a car crash. I can not not watch ;)
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