Saturday, July 19, 2008

England on SALE


my gosh, everywhere I look are these SALE signs. What's a poor girl, deprived of her cell phone and computer (read; all outside contact) to do when trying to relax and not think about the job interview yesterday? I know, go shopping!!!

No shoes so far. Good on me. The need for a few new books however can be discussed. As well as that t-shirt with the logo and Union Jack... but they were really nice, the books seemed good for the Atlantic flight tomorrow and there never will be an outofdate for a Union Jack, right?

And then the real strange buy, the nice pinkish/white coat in WOOL.... wit embroyderies on the sleaves... let's just say that I know I will move to colder places and then it will be used. And really, it was 70% of original pricing. And it was NoaNoa... what's a poor girl to do indeed?

And I guess I really shouldn't have gone into the Monsoon store with SALE and 70% off on the door. But the long dress was very flattering in the neckline. And I didn't buy the blue dress at NoaNoa eve nif it looked very good on me,not to mention that that one I could've worn in my present home town at this very warm moment. The long one, not so much... but maybe I am wrong?!

I forced myself to take a look at my bank account and realise exactly HOW MUCH I have spent. shheesh... haven't had a vacation in a long time. Haven't been in the UK in a really long while. Haven't really spent money on things that I will never use (I will use the coat later this fall), and like the clothes I bought before I went here (the so called "in a panicy state of mind before the job interview") these will all be added on to the clothing account for the year and then, all of a sudden, it doesn't look too bad. I can just say that I haven't bought that much clothes this year, nor last one.

And really, there are just that many washed out black tees a woman who wants to try and look professional and 'older' can have.

Some of the clothes does make me cringe on the "frumpy" factor but I think it is all in my head. (It's more correct to say that they are more 'mature' and not jsut tees with nice little logos and statements on. You know, the kind that could be argued to be more "teenager" or soemthing along those lines.) After all, none of the people I have talked to today or yesterday believed me when I said that I was a PhD since more than two years back..... well, the job interview people excluded I guess.Since my youthful apparence is working out, maybe it isn't a bad plan to work the more mature clothes..... time will tell I guess.

Time to go for English Tea and Scones!


hgg said...

oh dear, I love the dresses and skirts at Monsoon.

chall said...

yey, they are really 'flowy' and soft and.... nice! I ended up with a long dress in purple/lilac kind of colour and I think it would work to more formal things... neckline to die for ;)

I hope I survive the credit card statement though...