"Look for differences in behaviour, especially if calling in sick Mondays or directly after vacation days" - that's part of what it says under "warning signs" in our Employer handbook. It's referring to "substance abuse" and potential dangerous situations. Signs that people should pick up on and call the employee in and have a discussion about it.
"Look for differences in behaviour, like suddenly texting in the bathroom and hiding the phone" from parents who are worried about drug abuse in their teenagers or the partner who is worried about cheating or criminal activities.
"Look for differences in behaviour, and withdrawing from social interactions and making up excuses for the bruises" when discussing domestic violence.
"Look for differences in behaviour, like going for a nap in the afternoon or sleeping very late in the mornings" for signs of depression.
Similar, "look for insomnia and having more drinks than before" for alcohol abuse.
These warning signs, and changes in behaviour, are picked up and worried about differently depending on your background. At least I feel that I'm in the "over sensitive" portion of the crowd. Most likely based on my history and run ins with a few of these "changes in behaviour". I try not to over-read people and situations, but it's annoying and worrying me at times since I might pick up on things that may or may not be there.
Not to mention that I over-ananlyse myself at times, looking at my own behaviour and interpreting me in the eyes of another. I personally think that I should've been asked a few times about certain behaviour. And there was that time years ago when someone at uni really should've asked me "what's going on", but with asking comes responsibility and I'm quite sure they didn't want that...
I got reminded about this a little while back when I had to question if I was over sensitive or if there was real cause for concern. I wouldn't want to sound the alarm and alert, if indeed it was nothing. Think of all the trouble they'd go through. I decided to sit back a little and collect the signs for just a little longer and so far, they've not kept coming up. Maybe it wasn't a real canary - just a yellow gleen of light?
Depending on the specifics, could these also be a sign of job dissatisfaction?
I would think so. The main idea for this post was that I'm helping mentioning/coaching a new manager who hasn't really thought about this aspect mgmt before.
Not wanting to come in Monday's would be that dread factor ;)
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