My throat is itching and I've been sneezing so that's not feeling festive either. Most of all I'm still feeling my leg/butt/piriformis and all those combined have left me in a little lurch feeling. However, I decided the other day to whip myself into shape and realize exactly how good I have it. Show some gratitude darn it. Holiday season and all!
I'm grateful for not being sick (something serious that is - my piriformis will hear this I hope and disappear for real since I am getting very tired of not sleeping at night, nor sitting/getting up at work).
I'm grateful for having a very good job, where I'm both appreciated and feel I make a difference.
I'm grateful for my parents, family and friends being healthy as well.
And most of all, I'm grateful that there isn't anything I need* so therefore I can spend my money for Christmas gifts on, DoctorsWithoutBorders ( and "Individuell Människohjälp" ( My family and friends will be giving people ducks, chickens, micro loans to women in various parts of the world and letting women & children go to school and get an education. They just don't know if just yet - but when they open the cards they'll find out :)
If it sounds sappy - perhaps. I just don't like giving people all these gifts that people don't want or need but you need to give something. I have sorted out photos from last year and those are put together in photo books and calendars, which is something that I like. And you should give gifts that you would like, right?!
The card doesn't really fit with the idea of the post but I promised myself to keep with the theme - opening the Christmas calendar each day - so here it is.
*I probably should get a new car somewhere since it's very old and cranky. However, I'm still on the "it's working so why buy new".... one of these days though....
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