Tuesday, December 23, 2014

12 Days of Christmas: Day 10 - Cold

(If you think this post is late - you're absolutely right. I didn't post it before midnight and new day rolled over.)

Some things are more obvious that other, when holidays roll around and you want to get "all the stuff done before you take off". And you work a little more a few days and try to clean that inbox under 100 emails with "to do" on them. Then weekend comes around and count down to real vacation. You wake up that Saturday morning, open your little eyes a little reluctant and SNEEEZE.

It' like clockwork. Those two "pre-vacation" days where you needed to shop the last gifts, clean the home, do laundry, everything else that you have to do.... yep, hindered by sneezing, red-squared eyes and later the cough and the dripping nose.

I'm not a happy camper right now.

Will restart tomorrow and finish strong on the posting. Promise.


Cath@VWXYNot? said...

I'm enjoying catching up on this series!

I'm just getting over my cold - I hope you're feeling better now. Every time I get really busy for a long stretch of time, and then stop and finally relax, I get sick - and this time the first symptoms hit me about 4 days into my Christmas vacation! Typical...

chall said...

aww... I hope you don't get too disappointed in the series.

I'm feeling better from the cold but it's dragged out and yes, exactly like you describe it. Hope you feel better soon too!