Monday, November 05, 2012

changing your (long academic) CV into a snazzy resume (intended for Industry)

I had to look over my Resume yet again lately (OK, rewrite a whole new one is more like it) and realised (yet again) that it is SO hard for me to cut out all these smaller pieces of information in order to fit the resume on one (or maximum of two) pages. I mean, I have issues with Twitter using only 140 character for crying out loud ;) Taking my several pages with everything I've ever done and earned and made into .... 1 page? What is relevant? What is not? (Note to self, think of it as "someone else's life" - much easier. And Kill your Darlings!)

Instead of banging my head against the wall too much (I'm trying this for a different approach) I wonder if my dear readers have something to suggest in terms of "outline" and what on earth to call those smaller subparts where things end up after "education" and "work".
  • Languages (call it languages? is this something I'm just using to show off or would people really care about it? when the job specifics doesn't call for "speaking German or Japanese" is it relevant/good to add anything about languages really?)
  • Extra work (non-for-pay) - Volunteer work? (is it relevant to add? Am I trying too much* here again?)
  • Credits/Certifications/Accreditations for works shops within specific soceities (relevance, yet again. do people want this as it shows of "furthering your education when getting out of uni but into work life?")
Do people list skills under different subsections like: GMP/Bacteria/Viral/Cell culture/Other or is it more common with Laboratory skills/other skills and then list them in different subsections after that?
See, I have seen a lot of resumes and I should know "what works" but it's just hard to sift through my own skills and see "what can I leave out since it is really not relevant for this specific thing you're writing the reusme for". Right now, I'll take any suggestions or helpful hints. Starting to go slightly loopy here on the "how to shorten my life into short paragraphs without seeling myself too short".

Thanks y'all :)

*trying too much = trying to stand out as a stand-outish person.... you know, the one they recognize from the stack. In the end though, I fear that none of this really makes a difference since it's mostly about "who you know anyway" ... but I try here... I try ^^


Cath@VWXYNot? said...

Hmm... I've never done a one page resume, just a two page plus publications CV. But my instinct if you're short on space would be to include the credits / accreditations, but not the languages unless it's required. The volunteer work is harder - I think if you're applying to a non-profit (e.g. a hospital etc) then they might prefer to see that because it fits their ethos, whereas a private employer might care less unless the experience is relevant to the job.

Good luck!

chall said...

I've not done one page... mostly two pages tbh. I'll take your advice and see if that works out. Mainly I was looking at suggestions on how to organise the skill section. Maybe I should just send it to you and see what you think? (scary. but probably the easiest way to get feed back. I just get scared and avoid things like that. I know it doesn't make sense...) anyhow. thanks for the thoughts!

Anthea said...

Mmm thank you for these thoughts/ advice since I've realised that I really ought to do a one page cv since mine is two pages.

Cath@VWXYNot? said...

I'm not really sure about the skills section, because it's been forever since I listed lab skills on a CV! If they request something unusual / specialised in the job ad, then the resume you send to that job should definitely list that, but at a certain point in your career do you really need to state that you know standard cell culture techniques?

I'd be happy to have a look (preferably with a link to any specific jobs, because the shorter the format the more you'll need to customise it to each application), but I don't have a ton of experience!

I highly recommend a blog called Ask a Manager. I started reading quite recently, mostly for the tips on managing / mentoring people (relevant to my work with trainees), but there are a ton of posts on job searches, resumes etc.