Sometimes it's interesting to meet people halfway in the way one does when we talk about 'compromise'. And then again sometimes it's a little frustrating trying to explain to someone that biological system might not be all the "simple and controllable" as say... chemical components... not to mention that cells, bacterial cells and virus all are very different in the whoel "controlled growth" and "expected outcome".
But of course, I might just be a little lazy not wanting to commit to a written procedure on exactly how to measure and determine the confluency of cells (and committing to a number of cells for this specific cell line). It wouldn't be because it is really hard to determine something that specific without having any measurable things like say, a camera and a grid..... It's doable of course, but I'm seeing a lot of variances* in the future.
*variences = industry speak for 'deveations that shouldn't have happened'
Mmmm...I'm a lurker here since I don't usually comment but I'm curious what you're going to do given what you're observing...especially if these 'variances' aren't supposed to occur.
Anthea> I'll see if I can write something longer in regards to what I have done earlier times when these things come up....
In short, iI am more diplomatic and collect my data and then show why it would be hard (and sometimes foolish) to try and have hard specs for things that are more "volotile". There is always wiggle room, until you've written the numbers down in the specs.
and since no one wants
'variances' (FDA looks for that as a quality sign), they usually reconsider the things ^^
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