This day symbolizes how much more women have to work into 2012 to earn as what men earned total in 2011.... as can be read here
I have my own thoughts on the inequality of pay... and especially the last couple of months it's been very obvious to me that the average US worker has little to no rights. And especially compared to the "socialistic Scandinavia" I grew up in and worked in before. And even if it is sort of "genderless" on the "little to no rights, it's a fact that many positions around here are low wage = women and youngsters, high wage= males.
Alas, I will not go into details (I can tell you though, that back home it's open how much you make, so your co-workers do know... at some private corporations you can't really know, unless you ask IRS for details - and yes, that's completely legal) but it's sometimes very mind boggling here.
On the wage gap though; The National Women's Law Center reports that bridging the gender wage gap would give the average full-time working woman's family the money to pay for an additional 4 months' supply of groceries, 5 months' of childcare, 3 months' rent and utilities, 5 months' health insurance premiums, 4 months' student loan payments, and 5 tanks of gas.
As for me, I'd think I am one of the privileged women who earn fairly "equal" to my male counterparts. That is, until I actually found out what they made. Ha. Guess who was a little bit in the red? (Yes, me.)
So frustrating. The whole world is just frustrating right now!
Well, I'm sorry to make you disappointed, but recently it turned out that I was making signficantly less than my male peers, for no obvious reason. It was interesting to see how this case was handled, and how long time it took before someone was willing to do something about it. So now, Scandinavia is not the perfect role model...
Alyssa> oh I hear you sister. The world and I are not really in agreeance right now.... Hope your world gets better soon!
Maria> well, there is that rose tinted glasses looking back home. I'm sorry to say that I'm not really too surprised considering where you work (sorry, I have prejudice against certain places). Academia is tough too, since there are so many "how do you measure?" and then there are always something to do with "being special [male]". hohum, i need to stop my little feministic rant right now ^^ Good luck with the increase in pay, which I hope your comment meant as an end result?!
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