Sunday, February 06, 2011

dress rehearsal of the call...

I found out a while back that the mother of one of my friends was released from the hospital since "there was nothing more they could do, the chemo didn't work". My friend doesn't know when to leave her current location - she doesn't live in the same city - and to go back to her parents and be with them. It's not across the ocean but the dilemma is the same... when do you leave all you have to go back to family? When to take out that saved vacation, the unpaid leave, or simply leaving the job behind to your co-workers?

(rest gone to poof due to too private stuff. but it¨s why I haven't been posting for a while. need to figure out things.)


Alyssa said...

So sorry to hear about your friend. How awful :(

I hope everything is good with you!

chall said...

Thanks for the thoughts. And yes, my friend is having a hard time.

There is some correlation with my family, which is hard to blog about since it's not really my thing but theirs... but hopefully I know what to do soon.

Cath@VWXYNot? said...

I'm sorry, Chall.

I try so very hard not to think about things like this... but life has a way of forcing the issue sometimes.

Love and hugs to you and yours

chall said...

Thank you Cath. I know that we "talked" about it and the distance and what to do...

It's never easy though, but hopefully it will be somewhat good in the end?! (I don't even know how to make the sentence work)

ScientistMother said...

Ugh, having recently been through a family loss I can completely empathize with how hard the decision of what to do is. Sadly, I think no matter what we decide, we'll also wonder what if we chose differently. The only advice I can give is to try to do what is best for you and your piece of mind vs "what you should do" based on family expectations etc....

microbiologist xx said...

So sorry. I currently still live very close to my family, so I haven't had to contemplate this issue. It must be very difficult and I wish you and your family well.

Amelie said...

I'm so sorry for your friend. This is such a hard situation. Hoping both you and her will be okay.