Monday, May 12, 2008

Thank you

It occurred to me last night when reading a bunch of blog posts from other people that I missed my own anniversary . Or, maybe not mine per se but this blog’s…. it has now been more than a year, almost two years since I wrote my first post and I have to say that I am eternally grateful for this blog or rather the comments that have been posted every now and then! It is great to have a vent, and even if I thought I would have posted more research related – as in real data and discussions about research findings – I do find that my main concern and thoughts have been of research and the impact on my mind, my life and my emotions. All things I guess one could call research related, although not as I had initially thought.

I guess it reminds me more than ever about my comments after defending my PhD thesis. “It wasn’t the actual lab work that was the hard part. It was getting along with my supervisor, having a healthy life outside of lab and actually making all those management deciscions.”

I think it has been the same with my post doc so far. The actual research has gone quite well- apart from maybe those blasted transformations but I have somewhat made them a smaller part of my brain capacity (that means I am making a modified transformation and use new primers every now and then and sooner or later the thing will work…. I hope).

Anyway, I just wanted to express my gratitude to all you readers and comments that have been placed here in response to my (often emotional) posts. It has made my post doc so much more enjoyable and given me plenty of thoughts!

I have also realized that I needed to update my link list of the blogs that I frequently read and muse about.

Back to making data analysis and preparing for bed. I really need to make myself go to that thing earlier since I tend to stay awake for too long…


hgg said...

happy bloogiversary!

hgg said...

damn, I wish there was spell check in the comments field (or that I would remember to check it myself before submitting...)

Cath@VWXYNot? said...

Happy bloog day! (Bloog is better than blog). I'm a new reader but I always look for you in my RSS reader!

chall said...

Both of you are so kind! Thanks.

And CAE - soon there will be a hockey fest here in the blog. I just need my [new] red wings shirt to arrive and then it's party time :D

Anonymous said...

Better late than never - still enjoying reading your blog after (insert round integer here) months/years/posts! (Really.)

chall said...

Alethea - thanks. And the thoughts and encouragement have been very good for me!!

I still read yours even if I don't post any comments... need to get that thing fixed so I can. Something happened a while back and I have been sloppy. I am sorry about that.